Board Roles

Board Roles

PresidentRepresent the County association at key events. Support the Management Board (MB).
Provide advice and guidance.
ChairChair the MB. Network with stakeholders, including partners, the LTA south west region and support team, other Counties, partners and the tennis community. Day to day management of Tennis Sussex working closely with the MB.

Click here for full job description.
SecretaryThe role is in place to ensure the effective organisation of meetings, and the maintenance of documentation which supports the governance of the Association.
Click here for full job description.
TreasurerThe Treasurer should:
The Treasurer is the Director responsible for the
financial wellbeing of Tennis Sussex. This will be achieved through prudent
budgeting and considered deployment of the financial resources available to
open tennis up in the County
Have an accounting background and experience with XERO accounting software
Prepare and deliver management accounts at each board meeting and present the
end of year accounts at the AGM

Work closely with the Office Manager who is responsible for day-to-day
book-keeping to ensure that invoices are paid in a timely manner
Click here for full job description.
LTA Councillor
(nominated by the Management Board)
Represent Tennis Sussex acting as the link between Tennis Sussex and the LTA (south east region and central teams). Details of the role of the LTA Council and LTA Councillor can be found at:

Click here for full job description
Coaches & CompetitionsYou will play a crucial part in fostering strong relationships with coaches across the county and ensuring effective communication in regards to coaching and competition structures. You will represent the coaching community, providing insight into the county’s coaching layout, and contribute to the development and promotion of competitive opportunities within the county. Currently Vacant.

Click here for full job description.
Venues’ representativeRepresent all venues in Sussex. Establish a network of contacts at venues.
Click here for full job description.
Partnership Representative 
The Partnerships Representative on the Board of Directors is responsible for developing and maintaining relationships with external partners. This role involves identifying potential new partners, fostering long-term relationships with existing partners, and serving as the main point of contact for Wimbledon tickets. Additionally, the Partnerships Representative will oversee the organisation and delivery of the annual Festival of Tennis or similar.

Click here for full job description
EDIWorking closely with the chairman and the board with the development and delivery and monitoring of the County EDI Plan.

Click here for full job description.
Staff engagement LeadThe Staff Engagement lead is responsible for overseeing all employed staff. Fostering a positive work environment and enhancing employee engagement alongside the Office Manager.

Click here for full description