
Tennis Sussex Junior Player Competition Support

We have set aside £2000 to support players entering high level competitions. Individual players can receive up to £200 back for competition entries fees over a period from 1st October 2024 to 30th September 2025.

Tennis Sussex will refund the entry fees paid for Grade 1, Grade 2, Tennis Europe and ITF Junior events and Brit Tours up to a maximum of £200 per person.

Only available to players who attend County training.

Once the fund of £2000 has been used, it’s finished and it’s on a first come first served basis. We may or may not offer the fund in future years but are pleased to offer some support for Junior players this year.

To claim please email: with proof of entry after the event has taken place.


This Winter Competition Guide has been designed to support you in finding County and Local Tour events in your region taking place during the 2024-25 Winter competition season. This guide for the London & South East region includes competitions taking place in Sussex and the South East.

This guide contains all Grade 4 & Grade 5 one day competitions and has been divided by into 10U age groups (8U, 9U and 10U) and age group and gender for junior and open events (11U, 12U, 14U, 16U, 18U and Open).


LTA Youth Compete Rewards is a new participation-based rewards scheme for those playing matches at Red (8U), Orange (9U) and Green (10U) to help recognise their progress. Players can earn exciting rewards as they reach the following milestones dependant on number of recorded matches played in a specific ball colour:

Players looking for a great way to play some matches and help earn their next reward should check out the LTA Youth Matchplay competitions. LTA Youth Matchplay provides a great way to play and record some matches in local competitions in a fun, friendly environment against other players of a similar ability.

See the Milestones below


1 match

10 matches

20 matches

40 matches


LTA Youth Matchplay- how to run them at your venue: 

LTA Youth Matchplay is an exciting, engaging competition format designed to give players their first experience of individual competition. In 2-3 hour competitions players compete in singles and doubles matches against players of a similar ability. There’s no overall winner, it’s about getting on court and having fun!

LTA Youth Match plays can be delivered by coaches, competition organisers and referees. It’s a great way to enhance the competition programme on offer at your venue and give your players some competitive experience in a friendly environment, helping to retain them in the sport. You can utilise court time at quieter periods and could work with nearby venues to develop a circuit of Matchplay events.

Click below for more information and resources.