Scholarship Programme
Scholarship Programme
This Scholarship Programme will provide our top County level juniors in every year group from 11U-18U (who attend County Training) with an additional opportunity to train and spar together on a weekly basis during the summer months. These players will still continue to attend their County Training squad sessions as normal.
As a County, we are fully aware of the extra opportunities that top players from other counties and parts of the country are getting, training together up to 3 times a week in Regional Centres etc. We truly believe that if we can work collectively across Sussex, bringing our strongest players together on at least a weekly basis, they will have more of a similar chance to progress at the same rates.
It is important to highlight that the Scholarship Programme will be open to any player who has progressed their tennis level to become one of the top juniors in Sussex in their age group. Whereas our flagship County Training Programme is deliberately more inclusive with larger squads and therefore a wider range of levels of play, the Scholarship Programme will consist of roughly half the number of players in a squad to allow the strongest players to train more specifically at their level (as they would in a Regional Centre). Unfortunately, this will mean that there will be some disappointment as many County level juniors will not immediately be involved in the Scholarship Programme and may have to progress their tennis level further before being selected.

The Scholarship Programme is open to every junior in Sussex, either now or hopefully at some point in the future, but it obviously has to be dependent on playing level.
We hope that it will therefore be motivational for all Sussex juniors who have aspirations to play at a top county, regional, national and international level. The sessions will take placed early morning before school once a week during the Summer months only.
The sessions will be run by our County Coaches and further details along with selections are advised during April of any given year.